Affordable Catering for Chicago

affordable catering options

There are very few caterers that can deliver the great service and food at the price that Lee ‘n’ Eddies’ does.  How many places can you get a complete buffet package with everything included for as little as $5/person.  It’s hard to beat prices like that. You might spend that much per person just buying the groceries to do it yourself and that doesn’t even include your prep time.  We can also customize any menu to address your guests needs and can even prepare individually wrapped meals for your even or gathering.

How can Lee ‘n’ Eddies offer quality catering for prices like that? Because we do such a high volume of catering we can offer these amazingly low prices on great tasting food and still provide our cheerful service on top of that.  Many caterers would have to charge you twice the price just because they don’t have the volume we do.  We also have a 24/7 delivery policy which can’t be beat. We will deliver anywhere, any day , at any time. Just call the day before and your meal will arrive, hot and ready for you and your guests.

Note: During the holidays our volume is even greater and we do have to turn people away if they wait too long just because we are booked solid. Sorry , we wish we didn’t have to but if you wait too long you may not get the time slot you need.  We do around 100 catered parties a day and during the holidays as many as 150/day.  The catering slots do fill up quickly because of our good pricing.  So during the holidays, be sure to call ahead to reserve your catering spot.  That way you get great tasting food, catered so you don’t have to do the work at one of the best prices around.  A great value, especially in this economy.

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